文/蓮生活佛  盧勝彥



The Cry of the Ghost who was Unjustly Killed

Written by Living Buddha Lian-sheng, Sheng-yen Lu

Translated by Cheng Yew Chung
Edited by Jason Yu
Proofread by Lufang Hsiung 

  One day, as I entered into samadhi, I saw a dark shadow kneeling before me, crying in great sorrow, “Whooooo…whoooooo…whooooo…” I was taken aback and wondered why there was a ghost who was unjustly killed.
  I asked, “What’s the matter?”
  “I’ve come to seek justice!”
  “What grievance do you have? And why ask me?”
  The ghost who was unjustly killed said, ”When I was alive I prayed to the earth god. I was a single parent after my divorce and lived with my two sons. I raised my family by selling vegetables, and it was a tough life. One morning, while leaving the house to conduct some business, I crossed the road using the crosswalk, yet I was hit by a car that ran the red light and was killed instantly. The driver, having realized he has killed a person, did not stop to take responsibility and instead sped off. My spirit was drifting around, and eventually I took shelter at an earth god temple, and was informed by the earth god to come look for you.”
  I was stunned and asked, “How can I help?”
  “I want to catch the driver who killed me.”
  “But…” I replied, “I really don’t know how to do that.”
  The ghost who was unjustly killed said, “I know you don’t know how to catch a killer, but the road where the accident occurred is equipped with surveillance cameras which had captured the moment where that small white car hit and killed me. However, the license plate of the car was blurry in the video footage, and the police cannot do anything about it.”
  “If the police can’t do anything, what can I do?” I asked.
  “I died an accidental death, and I know the number on the car’s license plate. It is XX-XXX. I plead to you to help me in your samadhi to write over the numbers in the video, so that the police can track the killer through the numbers.”
  “So I see. I can give it a shot.”
  In an instant, I took a pen and wrote over the numbers on the car’s license plate.
  When the police first reviewed the video footage of the accident, the car’s license plate number was a blur. On the second review, the number was vivid and clear.
  Wow! The police officers were amazed about the strange phenomenon, as the numbers were blurry earlier, but now they are clear.
  I would like to caution everyone that nine out of ten car accidents occur due to speeding. All of us must abide by the traffic rules. I am very concerned about traffic accidents. If nobody abides by the traffic rules and cars run the traffic light, then people would be anxious and scared whether they drove or walked.
  In hell, the City of Those who were Unjustly Killed is almost full.

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