
文/蓮生活佛  盧勝彥


Chanting the Mantra of Awakening the Bodhicitta Heart

Written by Living Buddha Lian-sheng, Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Amy Zhou
Edited by Jason Yu and Jessie Loh
Proofread by Lufang Hsiung 

 There once was a person (not my disciple) who saw a statue of a bodhisattva at the booth of a night market. He thought it was Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, since it looked similar to him. So he bought it and brought it home to enshrine and worship.
 At home, upon inspecting the statue more carefully, he realized that it was not of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, because the hands did not hold the wish-fulfilling jewel or the staff.
 He invited an expert to examine the statue. The expert said the statue wears the Five Buddha Crown, holds the vajra dorje in his right hand, holds the vajra bell in his left, so it obviously should be Vajrasattva Bodhisattva. However, the way the statue was holding the vajra and the vajra bell was different; the implements were angled differently, so the statue did not match that of Vajrasattva. The expert shook his head, and could not identify the statue.
 Although he could not identify the statue, this person burnt incense daily, gave offerings of tea and fruit, and chanted,  “Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva. Nameless Bodhisattva.”
 Many years passed in this manner, until one year, his eyes became inflamed and red. The doctor could not cure his illness, and his eyes were so painful and his vision so blurry that he cried out loud; the agony was indescribable.
 I entered his dream.
 He asked, “Who are you?”
 “You and I have an affinity. I have for many years lived in your house! I am the Bodhisattva [that you have a statue of]. If I had not come here, you would be blind. I will teach you a mantra, but remember, when chanting this mantra, visualize the light of the round moon shining on your eyes. The mantra is ‘Om, bo-dee-gee-da, be-dza, sa-ma-ya, ah-hum.’[OM BODHICITTA BENZA SAMAYA AH HUM] ”
 When he woke up, he forgot the mantra.
 I entered his dream again:
 “Om, bo-dee-gee-da, be-dza, sa-ma-ya, ah-hum.”
 He remembered it this time.
 This all-powerful and all-virtuous mantra can cleanse the body and heart of the person who chants it. After chanting it for a long time, you can reach the point of non-retrogression. All past, present, and future bodhisattvas, having activated an initial resolve [of bodhicitta] in the causal ground, have all chanted this mantra to attain non-retrogression and quickly attain enlightenment.
 This mantra comes from the “Mahayana Sutra of Contemplation of the Mind Ground in the Buddha's Life”[ Sanskrit: Mulajata-hridayabhumi-dhyana-sutra].
 He obtained this mantra through two consecutive dreams, and so, he believed me. He visualized the full moon shining on his eyes, while energetically chanting this mantra early every morning. After just one week, his eyes stopped hurting, the redness subsided, and his eyes were restored back to normal.
 He told others, but they did not quite believe him.
 He again invited an expert and a statue artist to identify the bodhisattva.
 They could not recognize the statue.
 Haha! It is Padmakumara, Lotus Bodhisattva.

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