文/蓮生活佛  盧勝彥

stepping in a Pile of Dog Feces
Written by Living Buddha Lian-sheng, Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Cheng Yew Chung
Edited by Jason Yu Proofread by Lufang Hsiung

One day I left my house in Leaf Lake and went for a walk in the forest, chanting the Buddha’s name and mantras along the way. However, I was careless and stepped into a pile of dog feces. I thought to myself, what rotten luck! A person down on his luck is sure to step on dog feces.

I returned to my house, took off my sandals and washed away the unbearably stinky dog poop. I used chopsticks to scrape, a rag to clean, and water to wash the sandals, happily cleaning away!

That day, when I entered in samadhi, I manifested into the form of a Living Buddha, and seated on the highest dharma throne, delivering a sermon to sentient beings. I said, “Karmic creditors are companions for our cultivation, and we must show compassion to them. Their hindrance blesses us to attain bodhi. Their hindrance blesses us to attain fruition. We should be grateful for their enormous help. At the same time we must vow to deliver them so that they may be liberated from their pain.”

After my sermon, the group of beings lined up to request my blessings, and I placed my hand on each head and gave each and everyone an empowerment.

Yet, I could hear some of them whisper, “I am not buying what this Living Buddha says about karmic creditors. Are we supposed to be grateful?”

“An eye for an eye. That’s being realistic.”

“The Living Buddha is talking nonsense.”

“We should not receive his empowerment. We should set him up and give him a hell of a time. Ha! Ha!”

I was very hurt upon hearing these words. I feel that sentient beings are difficult to deliver, and I might as well just die and enter into nirvana. I felt very disheartened, leaving me with little reason to generate bodhicitta and not forsake sentient beings.

Then, Guanyin Bodhisattva appeared in my samadhi and said to me, “Lian-sheng, you have stepped into another pile of dog droppings. These dog feces abound in the human world, and you must bear with it, and you must forge ahead!”

The Bodhisattva added, “Even the Buddha himself would meet a person like Devadatta who refused his deliverance.”

I felt relieved upon hearing the words, and put my palms together to pay homage to the Bodhisattva.

While still in samadhi, I took a look at my sandals and realized I had stepped on dog feces again, and my sandals would require another round of cleansing.

Hence, I continue to work day and night, entering frequently into samadhi to deliver sentient beings and give dharma talks. Despite the fact that my followers are gaining in numbers, and many among them have been saved, there remains those who refused any deliverance.

But I just have to go on regardless.

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