文/蓮生活佛  盧勝彥


Essentials of Vajrayana Practice

Written by Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Cheng Yew Chung edited by Victor Hazen
True Buddha Translation Teams

Vajrayana practice involves the preparatory procedures, the main procedures, and the concluding procedures. Here are the essentials of the main procedures of Vajrayana practice.
The practitioner sits before the personal deity at the mandala shrine, forms the deity’s mudra and visualizes the deity appearing clearly in the upper space in front of the practitioner. The personal deity radiates a brilliance of light and illuminates all sentient beings of the ten dharma realms. Once illuminated by the radiance of the deity’s bodhicitta, countless eons of transgressions, karma, mara hindrances, illnesses and calamities weighing on these sentient beings are being removed and eliminated. All sentient beings of the ten dharma realms shall generate bodhicitta and practice the path of bodhisattvahood and buddhahood.
Next, visualize all sentient beings of the ten Dharma realms transformed into the bodies of the personal deity, each radiating lights, then combined to form a single personal deity before the practitioner. The personal deity radiates light towards the practitioner, empowering him so that all his past eons of transgressions, karma, and mara hindrances, illnesses and calamities are transformed into streams of dark energy which are released through the pores. The practitioner shall generate bodhicitta, and practice the path of bodhisattvahood and buddhahood
Next, visualize the personal deity entering into the central channel through the top of the crown of the practitioner, and sits on the lotus located at the heart chakra of the practitioner. The deity radiates light, and enlarges to the exact size of the practitioner. In an instant, the practitioner is the deity, and the deity becomes the practitioner, both indivisible and indistinguishable from each other.
Release the mudra by touching the head. Recite the deity’s mantra 108 times or more, or one thousand and eighty times. The more recitations performed the better it is.
When you complete your recitation, form the Samaya Stability Mudra, and imagine yourself entering into the seed syllable OM. The syllable OM then enters into the moon disc. The moon disc shrinks into a drop of light which shoots straight into space and merges with space. Beyond space there is no existence of body and mind.
I am space, and space is me. Tathagata, the Thus Come One, remains in constant stillness and non-abiding.
I teach my True Buddha disciples how to visualize and cultivate in this way, practicing once a day or three times a day. It is the most supreme form of the main procedures in Vajrayana practice.
The main procedures includes visualization, mantra recitation, and entering into Samadhi.

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