文/蓮生活佛  盧勝彥


Om Bu Lin

Written by Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Cheng Yew Chung edited by Victor Hazen
True Buddha Translation Teams

Someone asked me, “What mantra is OM BU LIN?”
My reply was, “This mantra is the one syllable heart mantra mentioned in the Manjushri Sadhana Ritual Sutra. It is also known as the Great Wheel One Syllable Mantra, whose pronunciation is BU LIN [Translator's note: BU LIN is the sound transmitted to Grand Master by his Master Vajra Acharya Pu Fang, though the Sanskrit syllable is BHRUM.]
The person asked again, “Why do we need to recite this mantra after completing cultivation of the True Buddha Tantric Dharma?”
My reply: “According to the scriptures, when an individual worries that he may not have much success with his recitation of mantras and his cultivation of the Vajrayana practices, he may complete his practice by ending with this mantra, and he shall be assured of accomplishment. If no results are seen, the guardian of this mantra shall experience a major crack on his head. Therefore, this mantra indeed can help all other mantras achieve their intended results swiftly.”
Question: “What is the merit of this OM BU LIN mantra?”
My reply: “Besides facilitating the swift ripening of all mantra accomplishments, should one recite this mantra, all evil spirits within an approximate area of a large state would flee instantly. Even the deities of evil stars and all celestial devil Maras would not dare come near. This mantra acts like a wish-fulfilling pearl which can fulfill all wishes. It can subjugate ferocious demons and destroy all evil mantras in the world. It offers the comfort of fearlessness to all sentient beings and gives them joy and happiness.”
Question: “How is it that OM BU LIN can attract such great merits?”
My reply: “This OM BU LIN mantra is the heart of Manjushri Bodhisattva, and is the supreme crown of all Buddhas.”
The Great Wheel One Syllable Mantra is actually BU LIN. OM means homage. BU LIN is the main mantra itself. I received this mantra from the transmission of Pu Fang Dorje. Therefore, the reason for placing this mantra at the end of the True Buddha Tantric Dharma practice was mainly to help speed up the ripening of all results and accomplishments of all mantras. We should give our thanks to Vajra Acharya Pu Fang for his transmission.
I was also asked why there is a need to recite OM MANI PADME HUM after reciting OM BU LIN three times? Let me explain that the Six-Syllable Mantra is well known to many, and to understand this mantra, you may read up on it in the Karandavyuha Sutra. Reciting this mantra at the end is simply to swiftly ripen the fruition of the Bodhisattva, as the mantra holds the key to infinite Samadhi Dharma gates.
I can therefore say that the whole of Tibet is chanting OM MANI PADME HUM.

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