Names That Harmonize With Nature

■Book 111 - Roving Over The World

■Written by GrandMaster Sheng-yen Lu

Advocating naturalism, I have noticed that Japanese have very unique names. As a race, the Japanese are also known as Da He (yamato Minzoku). These two words exude the feeling of unification with nature and give an air of good omens.

One of my Japanese disciples, Miss Nakagawa Kimiko, the secretary of Lian Hua Jing Xiang from Osaka`s Sumiyoshi Lei Zhang Temple, gave me an impression that she is a typical Japanese girl.

She has a single eye lid, well kept hair and normal features.

She smiles with extruding tooth, She is kind and friendly.

Her Japanese sounds like a passing breeze.

It is very difficult , if not impossible to describe Miss Nakagawa correctly. You can`t express your feeling, as she is fine, tender, and exquisite; and as neat as the costume she wears.

Miss Nakagawa accompanied us to tour the garden next to Sumiyoshi Lei Zhang Temple. It was a big garden. Many foot paths made of broken stones criss-crossed the garden. There were many small bridges and flowing water - special features of Japanese gardens. Strolling along the well-trimmed bamboo leaves, upright tree trunks and the grand-looking pine trees, Miss Nakagawa could be mistaken as part of the garden.

I asked \`Why is your surname Nakagawa middle river)?\`

\`There is a river near the place I was born.\`

\`It is very interesting, \` I remarked.

I tried to apply the principle, \`Then Kitahara (north country) Chieko`s home must be in the open country in the north?\`

\`I think so.\` Miss Nakagawa replied.

Many Japanese names are connected and unified with the nature.

For instance, Matsushita - House under a pine tree.

Watanabe- House near the ferry of a river .

Tanaka- House in the middle of a paddy field.

It was intriguing that Japanese names are the product of unification of nature and self.

Chinese inherited their surnames from their ancestors.

Such names as George, John, Tom, Peter... are just a sign without any meaning.

A natural name perhaps is very close to the path!

Traditional buildings are conserved in Kurashiki. You can even see the tatami from the paper doors outside, as these wooden buildings are usually very short .

Strolling along the Sakura river, I could even see the koi fish swimming in the river, as the water is very blue and clear. I know Japanese are great koi lovers.

Many green bamboo plants and all kinds of groves are planted beside the houses. Whereas big Bonsai plants and blooming dujuan flowers are grown in front of the houses. On the other hands, Sakura flowers, and willow trees always line the riverside.

In Kurashiki, we can see how a typical Japanese house is built in picturesque scenery and beautiful landscape.

In a big bowl outside a small eating place, I saw the ever-flagrant \`Wei Zen\` soup being sold.

Riding a bicycle, postman personally delivered letters to all the houses. Names of the owner engraved on a piece of wood are hang on the main doors.

After a short burst of bicycle bell, its back to normal, as quiet as ever.

I came across a white note stuck onto the paper door of an ordinary wooden hut , which read : \`No adult at home, please call some other day.\`

These few words shocked me !

I recalled : \`Japan is one of the few countries that have good public order. Japanese don`t steal, Items found will be sent to the Police station , there are few robberies.........\`

\`Everybody knows about the tragedy at Thousand Island Lake- Mainland China, where over thirty tourists were robbed and burned to death.\`

\`There are many cases of kidnapping and robbery in Taiwan.\`

\`Many bank robberies were committed in Western countries.\`

What a contrast between the owner`s notice and the western life style ? - Many drunkens and homeless in the big cities beg for money in the West.

The typical traditional Japanese life in Kurashiki is an unforgettable good old time. By passing through here, I was compelled to seek a peaceful life. 

I laughed when I saw a name called Kameyutaro erected on the front door of a house. I asked and was given the reply.

\`Kameyutaro keeps and sells turtles for a living. Taro is the eldest son. Jiro is the second son, and Saburo is the third son. Sometimes, profession enters into one`s name, so that other will understand and accept him. It is logical and fluent.\`

I remembered the famous Japanese warrior Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Toyotomi clearly signified that he was a politician, and Hideyoshi showed that he was of a superior character.

Do you agree with me now that Japanese names are related to present time and nature ?

In spiritual search, I notice, \`People, time, place, and event\` must show interrelated information.

If we are able to see the truth of all sentient beings, we should be able to have Amitabha Buddha`s wisdom of Magnificent Observation.


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