



Someone asked,"When ajrayana ractitioners attain esponse from mantra chanting and cultivation, what are the phenomenon and signs that will occur?"
My reply as, "As Vajrayana ractitioners, when you recite mantras and cultivate your practices diligently, you will experience many phenomena and signs of response. These phenomena are seen during meditation, in the dream
state or even the waking state. For example, you may see the appearance of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas or your principal deity. You may find yourself flying through space in total freedom, or you may reach any of the Buddha Pure Lands. These are signs of great verification."
"You may also see lotus thrones, may experience consuming white fruits and vomiting dark filth, or swallowing the sun, the moon and the stars. You may see yourself radiating light, or may find yourself combing your hair where many worms will drop away. Such are the signs of karmic clearance.
"An individual who could not comprehend a sutra previously will now understand it with clarity, memorize it, and be able to, from its scriptural text, weave a multitude of insights. Your wisdom shall improve, and you shall gain mastery in all Sutras, Vinayas, and Sastras. Should you think of your principal deity, you shall at once be come one with the deity. You are approaching the level of accomplishment, which is the Yoga of One Taste.
"Some may see different lights, while others would see a variety of strange blossoms of lotus flowers. Some may see smoke, fire orlight, or may find Buddha statues or canopies moving. Some may hear celestial music being played, or experience the growth of a new tooth, or find that their white hair is turning black again. These are signs of the eradication of greed, anger and ignorance."
My view is that when Vajrayana practitioners gain spiritual responses, they should neither reject nor grasp them, and should not be overjoyed, but rather should look at them as normal. They must continue their practice diligently, and should not become vain and proud. However, they may share these experiences with their fellow practitioners and seniors as a way of mutual encouragement, but not for self-glorification and personal benefits.
When spiritual responses are attained with the Samadhi Dharma teachings, they experience an enhancement of blessings and wisdom, and yet know that all that they encounteris dream-like and illusory, for they realize the truth that the Dharma realm exists as a singular non-dualistic reality.
At this point, you come to know that you are abiding in an immovable state of absolute being, where you can freely
express yourself and exercise your spiritual powers and attain the unexcelled state of Perfect Enlightenment. At this point, you seek only Buddhahood.

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