文/蓮生活佛  盧勝彥


Healing with Vajrayana Techniques

Written by Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Cheng Yew Chung edited by Victor Hazen
True Buddha Translation Teams

 I was twenty six when I was blessed with the fortune of having my spiritual eye opened by the Golden Mother of the Jade Pond and subsequently received the transmission of the ‘Shan Letter Talisman’ and the ‘Ghost letter Talisman’ from the Taoist Master, Qingzhen. I also received Vajrayana transmission from other Masters, and I became well known.
 During my stay in Taiwan, I changed residences several times to avoid drawing too much attention. As I had received responses with my Vajrayana practice, I was able to know the future and heal all kinds of illnesses with great success. As my reputation spread by word of mouth, people by the hundreds flocked to me for consultation everyday, leaving me no choice but to keep moving house.
 I once professed that the mental patients who were healed by my use of Vajrayana mantras and Taoist talismans could fill a whole train. Some psychiatrists even told the patients’ family members to consult Master Sheng-yen Lu.
 At that time, a long line of parked cars was always present outside my house, often as long as a kilometre. Not only was I no longer able to handle the crowd, my neighbours were tested to their limits. The situation only improved after I moved to the United States of America.
 If a mental patient is suffering from the disturbance of spiritual entities, a practitioner may obtain a willow stick or kusha grass, empower it by reciting a mantra 108 times or 1080 times, and use the stick or grass to sweep the mental patient. The spiritual entities shall immediately leave the patient.
 Should the patient live far away or for some reason is unable to personally come for the healing, the practitioner can use a piece of paper placed in front of the shrine, and draw the outline of a human form representing the patient. Write down the patient’s name and his or her date of birth. Recite the mantra, and use a pomegranate stick to hit the patient’s figure on the paper. The spiritual entity that possesses the patient will no longer be able to cling on to the patient and the patient shall recover after the spirit exits his or her body.
 The Shan Letter Talismans as transmitted by the Taoist Master Qingzhen are used with great success for healing up to a thousand illnesses. Once a talisman is used, the illness is removed.
 If there is a very grave illness, it is best to use the Homa (fire offering) practice, during which ‘white offerings’ or milk can be cast into the flame. When chanting the mantra, do include the patient’s name. Once a spiritual response occurs, even a grave illness can be reversed.
 I once had an illness which no doctors and medications could diagnose and cure. As a last resort, I drew three pieces of the Ghost Letter Talisman, recited the appropriate mantra, and prayed to the Golden Mother of the Jade Pond. I burned the talismans and consumed the ashes with water. A miracle happened and I was completely healed. I speak only the truth.
 Talismans and mantra can heal illnesses. It is simply incredible!

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