Personal Experience

A Special Interview By Guru Cheng Ren

■Book 104 - A Plethora Of Scenic Splendours

■Written by GrandMaster Sheng-yen Lu


It could say we turned the prison into a pure land. With unceasing effort, everybody knows the destination clearly. Then we took a step further, we started to cultivate Padmakumara dharma, so as to embody ourselves with Padmakumara. We had dharma bliss as all of us had spiritual responses.

Question: What is the cause of your release from the prison?

Answer: The powers of Grandmaster, Buddha and Bodhisattva.

In fact, my release or otherwise is immaterial. Only a true accomplished cultivator can be considered to have achieved freedom in life. I missed all of them very much and would cherish the time we spent together in the prison.

All of us could verify what Grandmaster said during the ritual held on 19th, “Grandmaster always came to the prison to empower us!”

Once suffering from gastralgia, I prayed for the empowerment by Grandmaster. Immediately, I felt a hand empowering my head. My head became numb, and feverish. And the pain of my stomach subsided. Everything was alright thereafter.

Question: How do you feel about the news that the dead convicts had sarira in their remains?

Answer: I knew Lian Hua Yu Xing was emotionally stable the night before his execution. He slept well and had full confidence in Grandmaster, Buddha and Bodhisattva. He was still chanting the guru's mantra when the execution was carried out. He even smiled to say goodbye to us. Like what he wrote: “Without grand master's guidance, I dare say, no one will be able to pass the life so elegantly.”

Question: Do you have anything to add?

Answer: I have just told you the truth. The True Buddha Tantra as expounded by the Grandmaster is very magnificent. I am willing to be a witness to confirm the truth.

Both ex-dead convicts Lian Hua Bing Fa and Lian Hua Jia Xing have personally testified that sarira were found in the remains of the convicts executed.

They are both tall and thin; they have to be so. As the news of sarira caused a furore, they are often asked by the Buddhists all over the world whether that is true.

In our society, dead convicts are full of stigma; let alone qualify to gain enlightenment. They are doomed to be plunged into the hell. Their future fates are condemned by ordinary people.

They are also human. If they really repent for what they have done, they can be as pure as can be. They too can be saints after cultivation. Using unceasing effort in pursuing Buddhism, they can gain enlightenment also. Their souls can be ascended to the Western Pure Land.

I will spare no effort in saving my disciples, amongst them are the greatest dead convicts, prostitutes, drunkards, and assassins.

It is not unnatural that some of my disciples wanted me dead. This is no laughing matter. They are the greatest rebels.

As human is mortal, there is no exception for the dead convicts and me. I would rather die in the hands of my own disciples than outsiders.

Someone said : “Master Lu Sheng Yen will surely die one of these days. But his spirit will always remain in the hearts of millions.”

What they said are true. When the news of dead convicts have sarira in their remains spread, master Lu Sheng Yen just took it with a smile. When his rebellious disciples sold him out, his lofty sentiments did not recede. Although his laughter could break the roof tiles, he still managed to sing the chorus. He did not even get himself drunk.

I smiled when the dead convicts had sarira.

I also smiled when the rebellious disciples betrayed me. 

My smile is bright and clean; and full of mystery.

The following is a fact. For the last few years , the True Buddha school has been the focus of world religions. The name of Master Lu Sheng Yen appeared almost daily as the headline in politics, social and cultural pages of the newspapers. All kinds of magazines that have a wide readership use master Lu's picture as over page instead of some actresses. There is nobody more controversial than Master Lu yet.

In Hong Kong, someone on the street pointed at me and said, “Look, this is the Living Buddha appearing in the front page.”

In Malaysia, the chef came out of the kitchen and exclaimed, “

Look, this is the Living Buddha that is the man of the hour.”

They used such terms as “Flower light carefree Buddha”, “Maya”, “Sari Buddha”, “Heresy”, “Righteous Buddhism”, “pagan”, “trickster”,”woman killer”, “a gentleman”, etc to describe me.

But there is no consensus.

I just laugh it off when they came to ask me.

There is no conclusion when I am alive, nor will they be any change after my death. The line between a genius and a madman is a very thin one. To those who like me, I am talented. For others, I am just a lunatic.

Forget about what they have just said, and listen to the truth I am telling you now:

Many dead convicts all over the world have taken refuge in Living Buddha Lian Shen and they are cultivating True Buddha Tantra now.

I am not sure whether the dead convicts made True Buddha Tantra well known or the other way round.

Which is the cause, and which is the effect?

There is no creator in this instance. The sarira found in the remains of the dead convicts were not created. They were formed naturally.

The sarira is to reaffirm what Shakyamuni Buddha said previously : “All human beings have Buddha nature in them. Putting down the Butcher's knife and be enlightened as an instant Buddha.”

In short, the dead convicts were merely confirming what the Buddha said.


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