Techniques of Mahamudra


■Book51-Highest Yoga Tantra and Mahamudra

■Written by Master Sheng-yen Lu 

■Chapter ten

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5.The Light Technique [Resembles the Virasana or Hero Pose]

This technique involves sitting in a kneeling position. However, the body does not rest on the legs, but the buttocks are seated on the floor between the left and right legs, which are parted and bent backwards, so that the body and the tips of the toes form a ninety degree angle. This applies to both legs. The palms are stretched to touch the kneecaps. This sitting position basically turns the kneecaps. The thighs are kept together, with the left thigh touching the left calf, and the right thigh touching the right calf.

Hold this sitting pose for 30 seconds at a time, and repeat it 4 times. This Light Technique unlocks the knots in the meridians of the knees, and these meridians are among the most difficult to clear. When the knots are released, problems of the lower body shall be removed.


6.The Shaking Technique

Many yogins often support the physical body with their hands and then let go, allowing their whole body to hit the floor. This sudden throwing of the body on the floor is said to help loosen the knots of the whole body. Other yogis sit firmly on their buttocks and kick their legs towards the sky, shaking them after kicking. This serves to loosen the knots in the lower body. Some yogins instruct others to do rope skipping for 10 to 30 minutes daily. This is applying the method of trembling, which is intended to loosen the knots.


7.The Buddha Prostration Technique

The Buddha Prostration Technique may appear simple, yet it is far from being simple. The technique can heal one from sickness, and also clear the knots in the meridians. Besides, it involves prostration to buddhas. This technique has many benefits.

The method is as follows: First, kneel down so that your buttocks rest on the soles of your feet. Hold your palms together. Inhale and raise your arms upwards towards the sky so that your arms touch your ears. Then prostrate by bending your body forward, with your chest touching your thighs as closely as possible. Stretch your arms forward, and ideally touch your forehead and nose to the floor. At this stage it is important to breathe out all the air in your lungs. Hold yourself in prostration for 8 seconds before inhaling a fresh breath, and then lift your body upwards and repeat the initial sequence. The Buddha Prostration Technique should be performed 9 times in every session. Perhaps the more the merrier.

This technique releases the knots around the solar plexus chakra and eliminates  problems around the stomach or waist.


To open all the chakras of the body with the practice of Mahamudra involves pith instructions and techniques. The clearing of each chakra produces great bliss, and leads one to recognize and attain the great inherent wisdom. With the opening of the seven chakras, one naturally enters into samadhi.

The psychic heat circulates within the charkas, which gives rise to unmatched vibration. This psychic heat permeates the whole body, rendering it in flames, reaching the level in which every outward breath can fill the space of the universe. One who attains this level of accomplishment naturally finds a protrusion on the top of one’s crown, like those seen on buddhas and bodhisattvas. At this stage, the individual has attained the great vajra body and knows what it is like to truly be in the supreme victorious realm of attainment. As I pen these words, I cannot help but sigh over the ignorance of sentient beings who are oblivious to cultivation, and are thus completely unaware of the greatness of accomplishment attained through the practice of Mahamudra!   



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