■Book 103 - The Great Spiritual Response Of Tantrayana

■Written by master Sheng-yen Lu

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A hunchbacked disciple of mine came to take part in my puja. His fellow villagers were very upset and attacked him.

The hunchbacked disciple read an article on ”the strange news of Hong Kong ritual”, where miracles such as the dumb began to talk, the deaf to hear, and the blind to see, the cripple to stand up from a wheelchair, a human 'vegetable' to awake, and a tumour that disappeared. He himself was very excited, and firmly believed that Living Buddha Lian-Shen Master Lu Sheng Yen will be able to cure his hunchback. He wanted to take part in the puja ritual conducted by the Living Buddha.

”Will the hunchbacked be straightened?”

The chain reaction in the village was overwhelming. It is against all kind of logic to have the hunchbacked straightened. Because of this, none of the villagers believe he will be cured, and as a result they also doubt the claim that puja ritual can cure sickness.

The villagers laughed at his revelry, made sarcastic remarks and branded him illogical, unscientific, superstitious and self-deception.

However, as the article provided the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of those who have experienced miracles for verification, the hunchbacked disciple was still full of confidence.

The ridicule was unremitted.

”I may believe the puja ritual can cure flu.”

” May cure Athlete's foot!”

” Ha Ha Ha!”

” All the doctors will be jobless!”

”All the doctors and hospitals must learn and teach Puja.”

The disciple paid special attention to Zheng Zhi Hen who was suffering from amyotrophy, and confirmed that he was able to stand up after taking part in the ritual.

Despite accusation and slander, he firmly believed that using puja ritual to cure sickness is possible. He even took the trouble to call and verify; and confirmed what the article had claimed. His confidence increased.

On 26 April 1992, a Puja ritual organised by Taiwan Cao Tun Lei Tsang temple was presided by Living Buddha Lian Shen master Lu Sheng Yen. The hunchbacked disciple was among the crowd. As he was deformed, and not very witty, just an ordinary disciple, he could only pray :

Grandmaster, please cure my hunchback.

Grandmaster, please cure my hunchback.

Grandmaster, please cure my hunchback.

Living Buddha Lian-Sheng lit the fire for the puja ritual. He held the Vajra, and shook the bell, displayed mudra continuously. All the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and other saints from the universe descended, and in unification with the fire and root guru. This created an unlimited dharma power. The puja fire burnt away all the disciples' unwholesome karma.

The hunchbacked disciple suddenly saw a bright ray in the sky. He heard something, and smelled fragrance. He felt something in his mouth, and he could feel a stream of warm air entering into his head. His buttocks were shaking.

He knew the spiritual power has arrived. His bones and muscles were cracking, as if all the muscles in his body were kneaded into a dough, a lump,and back to normal. It was an internal change.

This is how the cosmic power, that is still not understood by human beings, affects the human body.

It is just like a machine, the parts are striped and reassembled. (The bones and muscles are moved)

In the end, the hunchbacked disciple could straighten his back. His hunch was gone, and he was a normal person. When the empowerment ritual started, he was still very confused. He shouted at the Grandmaster on the roster ”I have recovered, really fully recovered!”. The crowd looked at him, did not understand him. 

He returned to his village.

Everyone was shocked to see him.

The villagers saw the effectiveness of the great response of Tantra from this miracle.

All the villagers -young and old, took refuge in True Buddha School. I am telling you the truth, my disciples have surpassed 1.2 million. The dharma power to cure sickness is very convincing. It is unimaginable unless you see it with your own eyes.


-To be continued-

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