■Book 103 - The Great Spiritual Response Of Tantrayana

■Written by master Sheng-yen Lu

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However, many people including scientists do not understand Tantra, not to mention fire puja. They have different views:

A famous scientist said:

”Lu Sheng Yen, I understand him very well. He is lying, he is a con man. The puja can cure sickness is just psychology effect. For instance, the headache happened to stop, and they said fully cured. A patient being treated by the doctor was almost recovered, so after the ritual, he will be fine. I totally reject the view that fire puja can cure sickness.”

A famous internal designer said:

”I believe using puja to cure sickness is not prearranged. Because the little boy was suffering from amyotrophy for many years. So when he started to walk, his mother was moved. The little boy will not pretend, his mother will not shed crocodile tear. There is such a phenomenal in this universe.”

A famous lawyer said:

”Using puja to cure sickness is very unconventional. Lu Sheng Yen just lit the fire, and asked the patient to pray. He did not treat the patients at all. I suppose you may believe if you are cured, otherwise, you don't have to believe. This is not a question of neutrality, not to confirm, not to deny. I think we have to do research and observe more, put up our views and to confirm it's truth. Fact is the most important element, no matter what happened.”

A famous doctor said:

”Puja treatment is a new term coined by Lu Sheng Yen. From a doctor's view, this treatment cannot be accepted by the modern medical science. But so are Chinese traditional medicine and Qigong. Are you sure Chinese medicine and Qigong are not effectual? In fact, quite a number of sickness was cured by Chinese medicine and Qigong when Western medicine was hopeless.

To become a science, we must do more research on them. Puja treatment, is a kind of spiritual healing. Such miracles as disappearance of tumour, gall-stone and cancer happened. I must admit the power of religion which is in itself inconceivable.

A politician said:

” The puja treatment by Lu Sheng Yen will be developed into a great debate in future. To judge whether his treatment is real or otherwise, we might as well make a judgement whether the miracles created by Jesus Christ, or that of Sakyamuni Buddha is true or not.

The power of religion is invisible. It stems from gods. Science and politics are practical. As long as the puja treatment is not superstitious, and show truth under strict controls. We must let the nature takes its own course. Because all forms of religions are developed under such circumstances.”

I don't wish to repeat what others have said, but I would like to quote two original letters:

The first, 'Tumour disappears':


Dear Grandmaster Lian Shen

Our daughter Lian Hua Qiong Zi had a tumour in her head immediately after she was born. From the doctor's prognosis, it was not cancerous. An operation to remove the tumour should be carried out when she is two years old. We were very upset and sad on hearing this.

At that time we heard that grand master will be conducting a True Buddha puja for merit accumulation, misfortune eradication and spiritual healing to be held on 28 December at the government stadium. On that particular night, the weather suddenly turned very cold, the temperature dropped to the lowest for the last fifteen years. It was only 3 celsius. As a true Buddha disciple, I have full confidence. In order to eradicate our daughter's misfortune, we brought our daughter to take part in the ritual, hoping the Grandmaster could empower our daughter to get rid of her misfortune and cure her. During the ritual, we followed the instructions given by the grand master and used the hand to press the tumour, and sincerely prayed.

On our way home, our daughter's tumour was already disappeared, it is really a miracle! We were very happy indeed! With this letter, We would like to thank our Grandmaster who had empowered her, so that she need not go for operation and suffered unnecessary. Enclosed are photographs of her before and after the ritual, to be used as an evidence.


Wishing Grandmaster healthy always,

auspicious and wish fulfilling,


your disciples,

Lian Hua Man Hua and Lian Hua Cui Yi

6th January 1992


-To be continued-

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