■Book 103 - The Great Spiritual Response Of Tantrayana

■Written by master Sheng-yen Lu

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How do I cultivate that I can be omnipresent, and appear whenever I am prayed at?

To use a modern term, I am using satellite transmission.

I have suffered a lot during my cultivation, but I am also enjoying the happiness and bliss.

During cultivation, I have converged my material body at my nose, and through which I transmit pulses to the moon.

When the pulses reach the moon it will re-bounce to me. I do this seven times each session.

I am cultivating the internal transmission capability of human body. And I understand how it works and I can use it effectively.

(When the disciples pray to me, they are able to receive my transmission.)

Likewise I transmit to:

The Moon, 

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

My transmissions could reach these planets and return to me.

In my deep meditation, my mystic power will open up all the channels and enable the video monitor in my mind to show what are out there in other planets, so that I can see them clearly.

    This form of cultivation is not well understood by others, as it is complicated and must be accompanied by a verbal secret. I have learned this from Qing Zhen the priest (Lian Ming the monk). Amongst others the techniques involved include breathing practice, form practice, concentration in the air, transmission, retrieval....etc.

That is using the minor circulation of a human being to be in unification with the major circulation of the universe. And eventually reach the stage of unification of Heaven and Human.

What I wrote is full of mysteries. It is weird and eccentric. Many may think I am a nut, or it is just a dream, a fabricated story. But I am telling you what I have just said is true. It is something beyond science.

I am able to enter the dreams of my disciples to give sermon, to teach dharma, to cure sickness, to destroy maras. Many revered dharma master just shook their heads as they were unable to know what is happening. They just can’t understand the level I have achieved, they lost their words and could only shout: ”Impossible, how can it be!”.


There are too many similar letters, let me just quote two of them for you:


1. A few nights ago, I saw a black object appearing in my dream. Forming a sword mudra and pointing the sword at the black object, I chanted ”Om mani padme hum ” a number of times. The object disappeared later on.

2. Early last month, in the stage of dreaming and non-dreaming, I saw an ugly wooden man, who was after me. I was really frightened and ran up a hill. A monk who seemed to be the Grandmaster picked up a sword and gave it to me. He advised me to chant the mantra of Vajrasattva: ”Om bolu lan zhe li”. Brandishing the sword, the wooden man immediately toppled. And the monk also disappeared.


Frankly speaking, I admire Shakyamuni Buddha who stretched his arm through the walls to touch Ananda’s head, who was frightened by the mara.

Buddha was so compassionate to have consoled Ananda at the right time.

Following the spirit of Shakyamuni, when my disciple was attacked by a wooden man, I appeared at the right moment to give him the wooden sword and taught him ”Om bolu lan zhe li”. The wooden man was toppled immediately when the sword was used. 

(I will always appear in the disciples’ nightmares to solve their mara hindrance. Sometimes I also appear in the day time, in fact quite often, to solve the mara hindrance of my disciples. I am really the master in mara-destruction.)

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