T324 蓮生活佛英文文集103-帝釋天來的孩子Children From The Trayastrimsa(Di Shi)Heaven (2)end

■Book 103 -     The Great Spiritual Response Of Tantrayana

■Written by Master Sheng-yen Lu 


For more information, please call +1(510)473-4818 or fax +1(510)437-1987.

Contact Address: 3440 Foothill Blvd. Oakland CA 94601, U.S.A.

Once when I was doing miraculous prediction, a woman brought her daughter for consultation. She was quite a cute little girl. Seeing her, I showed an Indra Mudra to her.

Immediately she smiled and showed me the same mudra.

Her mother was surprised to see this:

”Ling Yun showed this mudra when she was born. Sometimes on both hands. She likes red, she will stare at red object and show the mudra. Her behaviour is weird.”

”It is not weird at all,”I replied: ”She is a child from the Indra Heaven, She is the goddess in red. Surely she will like red colours.”

The mother asked: 

”Is it so?”

I asked :

 ”Was there anything unusual when she was born?”

Her mother replied:

 ”Ling Yun was born on third of Nov 1988. The night she was born saw a fire ball appearing at the nearby hill. The neighbours thought the forest was on fire, and called for fire brigade. When the fire engines arrived, there was no fire at the forest, or at any house. The surroundings were very bright because of moving lights from the air.Later on, somebody saw a ray of light stopped at our roof and disappeared instantly. ”

Her mother added: 

”Ling Yun was born in the hospital. After the strange phenomenal, my labour pain started, I rushed to the hospital to give birth to her.”

”Any other strange behaviour ” I asked.

”Yes” the mother replied.

”Her eye sight is not normal. Eating fish, she will see the bones first. She even saw a hole in my stomach (stomach ulcer). ”

”Ah, this is penetrating vision”

Her mother continued:

”My house enshrines an Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. She praised the beauty of the image and claimed that something divine had flew into it. ”

I turned my head and asked Ling Yun:

”Look at me, who am I?”

(wondering she might see my skeletons.)

She answered:

”Grandmaster is Padmakumara. Your whole body is full of white light. Padmakumara is the same as Avalokitesvara who came to succour others.”

I told her mother:

”Ling Yun is the goddess in red from the Indra heaven. She has special skills. It would be wonderful if she can still retain her power when she grows up.”


From what I know, among the third generation disciples of True Buddha School, many children came from the Indra heaven. This is the result of deep causation between True Buddha School and Indra.

If you have a child from the Indra heaven, I believe you should do the following:

1. Show respect to the heaven realm.

2. Observe precepts so that sins are not created by the body - better still uphold the eight precepts i.e.

i. Not to kill

ii. Not to steal

iii. Not to have improper sexual behaviour

iv. Not to tell lies

v. Not to drink liquor

vi. Not to use fragrance on the body

vii. Not to enjoy singing and dancing

viii. Not to sleep on a big and cosy bed

3. chant the sutra of respecting heaven rites

4. chant the sutra of middle agama

5. Take refuge in True Buddha School and cultivate the True Buddha Tantra.


For the children from Indra heaven, I have written a verse for them:

To have such causation is magnificent.

Its valued in the heaven and earth.

Precious fruit can be reaped in the mundane world.

Even heavenly beings descended to pay respect.

Brightness is caused by purity.

after the mission, movement is unrestrained.

Their descendence for the purpose of reaffirmation.

teaching the wicked to be kind.

One of the six realms of existence is heaven.

and to ascend there is human beings.

the place is real, pure and without any worry.

protecting the ground that True Buddha Tantra prevails. 



T324 蓮生活佛法文文集Il ne faut pas oublier le pacte勿忘誓約(1)

■Le bouddha vivant Lian-sheng    Sheng-yen Lu

■Journal des voyages spirituels

  ~Un autre genre de manifestation du prodige~

■Traduit du chinois par Sandrine Fang

■Copyright © Sheng-yen Lu ©2011, Éditions Darong

Lors d'un voyage spirituel —

Je rencontrai une dâkinî. Elle portait un bouquet de fleurs et m'accueillit entre ciel et terre. Je la regardai attentivement. Cette dâkinî était en réalité ma disciple. De son vivant, elle m'avait aidé à porter secours aux êtres vivants. C'est par ce facteur conditionné qu'elle était devenue, en peu de temps, un être céleste.

Je fus surpris de la voir.

— Vous êtes entrée dans le nirvâna ? demandai-je.

La dâkinî répondit, les yeux rougis de larmes :

— Oui.

— Comment avez-vous trouvé le repos parfait ? demandai-je, attristé.

— La veille, je me sentais encore bien et, dans la soirée, je suis allée me soumettre à une rééducation, puis je suis partie dans la nuit !

Je versai des larmes sans m'en apercevoir. C'était une disciple exceptionnelle !

Je lui demandai :

— Où souhaitez-vous aller, à présent ?

Elle répondit :

— Depuis mon départ, le personnel de l'entreprise que j'avais administrée dans le Monde Sahâ n'a pas eu le temps de prendre ses dispositions. Aujourd'hui, je suis venue voir le maître vénérable, parce que je voudrais y retourner pour porter assistance à ceux à qui j'ai remis mes affaires. Je transmigrerai une nouvelle fois dans leur famille afin de leur apporter un soutien dans le travail.

— À mon avis, ce genre de chose est absolument ridicule, absurde ! Les affaires du Monde Sahâ sont les affaires du Monde Sahâ. Vous êtes morte, ce qui marque pour vous la fin d'une étape. Si vous vous réincarnez, vous vous ridiculiserez aux quatre coins du monde.

— Mais j'apprécie cette entreprise !

Je l'arrêtai par un cri :

— Retournez au maha Étang au Double Lotus ! Si vous regagnez le monde terrestre, il est fort à craindre que vous ne puissiez plus retourner dans le Monde de la béatitude parfaite.

— Je ne voudrais pas y retourner, dit-elle bien fermement, avec une claire intention de se rendre à nouveau dans le monde humain.

— Avez-vous oublié le pacte ?

— Quel pacte ai-je conclu avec le maître vénérable ?

La dâkinî l'avait complètement oublié.

Je fis apparaître une image et la lui montrai.

Elle était originaire du maha Étang au Double Lotus. Voici le pacte scellé autrefois : moi, le bouddha vivant Lian-sheng, je descendrais dans le Monde Sahâ, je lui avais demandé de m'assister dans ma tâche. Au début, elle n'avait pas donné son accord, au motif qu'elle aurait souffert dans le Monde Sahâ situé dans l'ère trouble des Cinq Impuretés①. Elle n'avait pas voulu descendre ici-bas, parce que :

Sur une branche de corail fut attaché un rhinocéros faible.

Les vagues de l'océan de souffrance se soulevèrent, dont l'extrémité fut difficile à atteindre.

Je dis :

Il est bon de s'arrêter en cet instant dans le Monde de la béatitude parfaite.

La sainteté et l'ordinaire ne sont éloignés que d'un fil.

Je l'avais exhortée et encouragée à maintes reprises, et elle avait enfin accepté de descendre du Ciel pour se rendre dans le Monde Sahâ. Née avant moi, elle était donc un peu plus âgée.

Je lui avais accordé ceci :

Un bouddha Amitâbha sera gardé dans le coeur.

À peine manifestée, une pensée distancera mille sommets.

Il y aura naturellement là-dedans un reflet des lumières.

Il ne faut point oublier le pacte ni chercher l'extérieur.

Je lui avais fait une promesse :

Allez-y pour cette fois seulement et, après, vous rentrerez dans le Monde de la béatitude parfaite.

À votre retour à l'Étang au Double Lotus, vous serez un Kuan Yin②.

Voilà le pacte signé entre la dâkinî et moi, le bouddha vivant Lian-sheng. Maintenant, elle l'avait complètement oublié et ne pensait qu'à retourner en ce bas monde pour vaquer de nouveau à ses affaires.

Au Lac foliacé où je menais une existence recluse et où je faisais mes retraites méditatives, je m'aperçus de la réalité des choses : les voies du monde sont difficiles à emprunter, elles sont parsemées de trop de pièges ; les chemins du monde sont pleins d'imbroglios et de calamités ; et l'on y rencontre difficilement le dharma du Bouddha. Même si on le rencontre, il n'est pas certain que les gens le comprennent et y ajoutent foi. Ils se trouvent d'ailleurs incapables de le pratiquer et de le prouver.

— Ah, Dâkinî ! Vous voudriez descendre en ce bas monde poussiéreux pour reprendre votre entreprise ! Ne connaissez-vous pas la souffrance, le vide, l'impermanence ? Pourrez-vous ne pas être influencée par les situations mondaines ? Serez-vous capable de ne pas être gouvernée par les états phénoménaux, ni troublée par ceux-ci ?

 - à suivre -


①La période de décadence, la détérioration des manières de voir, la prévalence des passions, l'augmentation des misères humaines, la diminution de la longueur de la vie.

② Un bodhisattva Avalokitésvara

T323 蓮生活佛英文文集103-帝釋天來的孩子Children From The Trayastrimsa(Di Shi)Heaven (1)

■Book 103 -     The Great Spiritual Response Of Tantrayana

■Written by Master Sheng-yen Lu 


For more information, please call +1(510)473-4818 or fax +1(510)437-1987.

Contact Address: 3440 Foothill Blvd. Oakland CA 94601, U.S.A.



Once a Tibetan Living Buddha, the elder of Yellow sect Amchok came to Lei Tsang temple in Seattle. I pointed at one image and said it is ”Di shi”. Amchok shook his head.

I said again:


He shook his head again.

Finally I said:

 ”Sakradevanam Indra”.

Suddenly he understood me:

”It is Indra, it is Indra.”

Then I realised, the heavenly king of Trayastrimsa heaven who is living at Sudarsana City on top of Sumeru mountain, and the one in charge of the emperors of thirty three heavens is known as ”Indra” to all the Living Buddhas from Tibet.


I strongly believe Indra and I have deep causation.

First of all, I was converted from a Christian to a Buddhist at the jade emperor temple, which has the jade emperor as its main god. He is known as jade emperor to the Taoists and Di shi to the Buddhists.

Secondly, before I came to this world, I descended to Sudarsanan City's good dharma chapter. And Di shi gave me two presents:

The princess of Di shi (Lu Fu Qing), and the prince of Di shi (Lu Fu Qi). They wanted to follow me to the Samsara World.

Thirdly, When I was a guest at the heaven. Di shi accompanied me, and I know the four gardens there:

1, Vehicle garden where fast and safe space travelling vehicles were found.

2. Cu-Er garden where the weapons used in the war are produced automatically.

3. Mixing tree garden where heavenly beings have their exciting fun.

4. Blessing tree garden where all kinds of magnificent things can be seen there.

I have seen other treasures such as Di shi net - which is without boundary, Dishi's secret vase, which is also known as virtue vase, saint vase, auspicious vase that can reproduce all kinds of treasures and Di shi's bow.

Indra was very sincere when he accompanied me.

Fourthly, The True Buddha Sutra which flowed from my heart was prompted by Indra's question. The question and answer session fully explained the extent of causation between Indra and Padmakumara.

Fifthly, At the Sudarsana City's good dharma chapter heaven, I saw the secret Sutra of the rituals completed by Indra. This sutra is different from the ones translated by either Shi Bu or Fa Xian.


In the book ”The night of Soul Lake”, I talked about the prince and the Princess of Indra, who followed me to the planet earth. This is a mysterious and colourful story. People asked me incisive question on this.

”Is it true?”


”Any Proof ?”

”They showed Indra mudra, when they were born.”

”Who saw this?”

”My wife and Me”

”You are from the same family, so it is not counted.”

Because of this doubt, I have prayed many times to Indra. Hoping that more children will come from the same heaven, and they know how to show the Indra mudra. All of them will cultivate Tantra and protect the True Buddha School.

To prove my point, I quote a letter:

I bow to Grandmaster,

Om mani padme Hum,

I prayed to the Grandmaster and wished that I could have a baby boy during my cultivations in 1989.

Not long later, that was on 7th March 1990 at 7: 15 a.m. (lunar calendar llth of second moon), my wife gave birth to a child. I was there waiting and witnessed the child birth. As it was a baby boy, I was so happy that I forgot to see whether the baby boy showed any mudra. I only had the chance to look at him again when the baby room opened. I was wondering whether he was from the Indra heaven since he was no different from other children. Silently I talked to the child, I told him I was happy to have him, but I did not see him showing any mudra and I would like to see that. Immediately after my thought, I saw him struggling and his face turned red (his whole body was covered with cloth). His left hand came out from the clothes, and his left thumb pressed on the middle and small fingers. He then curved his index finger and pressed on the back of the middle finger. I write this letter to find out from Grandmaster whether this can be considered a spiritual response.

Enclosed is the child's photograph and fifty Malaysian ringgits, please accept my meagre offerings.

Moreover, please let me have the empowerment of longevity Buddha.

I hope to be more witty and have more faith in Amitabha Buddha.


Your disciple, Lian Hua Xiang Zhen 

                                                                                                          1992.10.02 -To be continued-

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