T319 蓮生活佛英文文集103-Spiritual Response From The Repentance懺悔的大相應(2)end

■Book 103 -     The Great Spiritual Response Of Tantrayana

■Written by Master Sheng-yen Lu 


For more information, please call +1(510)473-4818 or fax +1(510)437-1987.

Contact Address: 3440 Foothill Blvd. Oakland CA 94601, U.S.A.

The verse I wrote previously was:

Living Buddha Lian Sheng teaches a major Tantra,

Vajrasattva changes into Vajraheart

A spiritual response occurs when the two embody into one,

Unwholesome karma eradicated and purity remains.


To show you a letter as evidence:

Dear Grandmaster,

All the best to you

At 5:15 a.m. on 5th of November, you appeared in my dream. I kneeled down in front of all the dharma brothers and you. I confessed to you all the precepts I have broken. You used a round tool to pull out all my hindrance (an ugly creature looked like the body and the tail of a fish). A pool of blood was spotted nearby. After vomiting, I felt very light. You told me, “Your body is clean now, and you will be very healthy.”

It is beyond description, taking into consideration I have just cultivated the repentance rituals for three months (group practice is held on every Wednesday)

Thank you for pulling out my hindrance, I shall cultivate daily to repay your favour, and follow your teaching life after life. We shall not part until enlightenment.


Many True Buddha disciples had spiritual response after cultivating the repentance rituals.

1) After cultivating it for 21 times, a disciple saw himself in a pure and clean lake. Living Buddha Lian-Shang radiated light to empower him from the air. The water turned into laser when 

the radiation passed through. It was amazing when the black water flew from the cultivator into the lake, it was immediately purified.

After the spiritual response, the disciple felt very fresh, as if he had a new life. His internal strength increased a lot.

2) Another disciple only cultivated the dharma for one week and he started to vomit. The sickness lasted for 3 days, and it could not be stopped. Although he did not vomit anything, those with spiritual eyes could see he vomited dirty things like worms, little turtles, small snakes, mosquitoes and centipedes. Thereafter he felt fresh, and all his sickness suddenly disappeared.

3) A disciple suffering from asthma cultivated the dharma for 49 days in order to eradicate his unwholesome karma created in his previous lives. One night using a vajra, a vajra god beat him up. He was thrown up and down and tortured the whole night in his dream. Finally he was forced by the Vajra god to eat a few stalks of grass. He felt nausea, and vomitted a little black man. His asthma was cured thereafter.

4)Another story is even more wonderful. A disciple only cultivated the repentance ritual about a month. In his mediation, he was brought to the heaven realm to ride a dragon. Like a wind, the dragon flew. He saw mountains, rivers and lands below him. He was dumbfounded. He was even given an audience with the Buddha.

He was so moved that he almost cried.

Buddha said to him, “you don't have to cry.”

He asked, “How come by cultivating repentance ritual, I am able to see you?”

Buddha replied, “the five directional Buddhas change into five Vajra Dhara. And Vajrasattva is the six Vajra Dhara. Since he is the embodiment of five Buddhas, you will surely be able to see the Buddha”.

The disciple wrote to me, and said “This is fantastic, repentance is a major dharma.”

“Living Buddha Lian Sheng is almost the reincarnation of a Buddha.”

I know of many true stories of having spiritual response when cultivating repentance rituals. I just mentioned a few as records, since we have limited space.


I believe amongst the three ways of repentance, spiritual response from the “Qu Xiang” repentance would be more magnificent and trust-worthy. “Zuo Fa” repentance is too common, and “Wu Sheng” repentance is too high sounding for ordinary people to use. Only those who have good foundation can master it.

Personally I lay a stress on “Qu Xiang” repentance. The spiritual response derived from it can have many levels:

Buddha touching the head,

Boddhisattva radiating light at the cultivator,

Eating white and vomiting black food,

Riding a heavenly horse in the air,

Dreaming about taking a bath and cleaning yourself,

Dreaming about putting fragrance on your own body,

Dreaming about flowers falling from the sky,

Dreaming about your transparent body radiating light,

Dreaming about initiating the eyes of a Buddha image.

I believe even a saint will have committed some faults before. If we are able to cultivate the True Buddha repentance ritual, all our predicaments can be eradicated, like mountains, oceans and planet being destroyed by fire. Doing repentance can burn away our distress. It can extinguish the fire in hell and result in coolness in the heaven. By cultivating repentance ritual, we can reach a high level of meditation and obtain profound wisdom and longevity. We are able to reside in the pure land and see the blossom of purest lotus flowers. It will eventually lead to Buddhahood and we are enlightened.

Now let me give you the theory of “Wu Sheng” repentance:

It is said in the Avatamsaka Sutra:

“Bodhisattva uses his right view to observe the world and knows all the dharma derived from karma. When he examines all the dharma, he knows they stem from cause and effect. If there is no birth; there will not be death.”

It is said in the Commentary on the Prajnaparamita Sutra:

“The law of Karma is without self-nature, that is why ultimately it is emptiness. Emptiness is not the work of Buddha, nor the work of human beings.”

It is said in Avatamsaka Sutra:

”The accomplishment of a Buddha is very difficult to understand, only Buddhas themselves can really understand the truth of all dharma”

These are the foundations of “Wu Sheng” repentance    


T319 蓮生活佛法文文集166冊Le secours porté à un suicidaire救度自盡者

■Le bouddha vivant Lian-sheng    Sheng-yen Lu

■Book166 - Journal des voyages spirituels

 ~Un autre genre de manifestation du prodige~

■Traduit du chinois par Sandrine Fang

■Copyright © Sheng-yen Lu ©2012, Éditions Darong

Je dis alors :

Le bouddha Mahâvairocana (le Tathâgata Grand Soleil) est le corps dharmique de Padmakumara.

Le bouddha Amitâbha est le corps de rétribution de Padmakumara.

Le bouddha vivant Lian-sheng est le corps de métamorphose de Padmakumara.

Moi, Sheng-yen Lu, j'ai transmis aux disciples le dharma tantrique du Vrai Bouddha. Je leur ai donné toutes les paroles de vérité et montré tous les témoignages authentiques.

J'ai vraiment prouvé en personne, de manière irrécusable, l'existence du maha Étang au Double Lotus dans le Sukhâvati (le Monde de la béatitude parfaite de l'Ouest). Ce n'est pas un mensonge ni une hypocrisie. Je suis entré dans le vide suprême au moyen du voyage spirituel ; j'ai vu de mes propres yeux le Grand Padmakumara blanc, et j'étais conscient d'être le corps métamorphosé de Padmakumara. (Je l'ai déjà consigné dans les livres que j'ai écrits il y a plus de trente ans.)

Ayant reçu la transmission de la lignée issue du bouddha Mahâvairocana, du bouddha Amitâbha, de Padmakumara et du bouddha vivant Lian-sheng, il vous suffit d'en trouver la fréquence électrique, vous pouvez alors acquérir une correspondance, les faire apparaître et en recevoir des messages. Voici ceux auxquels le fait se réfère :

Une lune se reflète sur mille fleuves.

Une voie propage mille dharma.

Un coeur fait s'élever au royaume du bouddha.

Par la pratique du dharma tantrique du Vrai Bouddha, on purifie le corps, la parole et la pensée ; on reçoit des bénédictions venant de la transformation pure et prodigieuse ; la confiance et l'effort dans la pratique s'accroissent. On peut dire que ce sont des changements sans fin.

Je cite un petit exemple :

Dans une annexe de l'école du Vrai Bouddha, après avoir assisté à une pratique collective, un disciple se mit debout et dit :

— Hier soir, j'ai vu dans mon rêve notre maître vénérable, qui habite à Seattle, aux États-Unis, et il m'a offert un objet…

Ce disciple n'avait pas encore terminé son discours, deux autres disciples se levèrent déjà et dirent :

— Hier soir, nous avons également rêvé du maître vénérable, qui habite à Seattle, aux États-Unis, et qui nous a offert un objet...

Alors, le responsable de la succursale demanda :

— Eh bien, ne dévoilez pas maintenant l'objet que vous avez reçu, mais vous trois, notez-le sur un papier, puis donnez-le-moi afin que nous sachions de quel objet il s'agit.

Ces trois personnes notèrent le nom de l'objet sur un papier, qu'ils remirent au responsable de la succursale. Celui-ci déplia les papiers devant tout le monde et il sursauta d'étonnement. Comme c'était merveilleux ! Car ils avaient écrit les mêmes mots : « pêche de longévité ».

À la proclamation du résultat, tout le monde se regarda en silence.

En fait, c'était, le jour même, l'anniversaire du bouddha Amitâbha.

Je dis :

— Chaque disciple récite de tout son coeur le nom de son maître vénérable ou son mantra : « Om Goulou Lianshen Siddhi Rom ».

» “De tout son coeur” signifie que son esprit n'est pas confus, mais se concentre sur un point. Il faut savoir que lorsque le coeur ne conçoit pas la moindre pensée divergente ni aucune idée illusoire, on se transcende déjà au-delà de l'état de “sollicitude de la pensée” ».

» Ce qui veut dire que, l'esprit unifié, on peut posséder en même temps les trois mille dharma. C'est la théorie préconisée par l'école T'ien-t'ai.

Si on ajoute foi de toute son âme à la correspondance avec Padmakumara, on pourra certainement le rencontrer, et on pourra, dans l'état méditatif, dans une pensée qui se manifeste un instant, voir de ses propres yeux Padmakumara.

Je dis sincèrement et honnêtement à tout le monde : je suis capable de faire voyager mon esprit et aussi de me diviser pour me manifester en même temps dans plusieurs endroits. Il suffit que vous, pratiquants de la perfection, entriez par la porte du coeur unique. Comme cela, vous pourrez facilement communiquer avec Padmakumara, obtenir l'onction, la bénédiction, la protection. Votre bonheur et votre sagesse s'accroîtront ; vous pourrez même renaître dans le royaume du bouddha, et vous n'éprouverez aucune difficulté à vous rendre dans n'importe quel pays bouddhique du Monde du trésor de lotus.

Cela peut se résumer en quelques mots :

L'esprit unifié, on ne se trouble pas.

L'esprit unifié, on ne s'illusionne pas.

On récite de tout son coeur le nom du bouddha.

On récite de tout son coeur le mantra.

On confie de tout son coeur son corps et son âme aux Trois Joyaux.


-fin -

T318 蓮生活佛英文文集103-Spiritual Response From The Repentance懺悔的大相應(1)

■Book 103 -     The Great Spiritual Response Of Tantrayana

■Written by Master Sheng-yen Lu 


For more information, please call +1(510)473-4818 or fax +1(510)437-1987.

Contact Address: 3440 Foothill Blvd. Oakland CA 94601, U.S.A.

Repentance puja is considered an integral part of Buddhism.

This ritual is known as repentance dharma. As far as I know, there are many types of rituals:

1.King Liang’s precious repentance-King Liang invented this after reading the Mahayana sutras for his concubine.

2.Water repentance-invented by dharma master Wu Da after he learned it from Shen Zen.

3.Golden brightness repentance-Master Tian Tai invented it from the golden brightness sutra.

4.Avalokitesvara repentance-basing on the Avalokitesvara Sutra to eradicate all latent calamities.

5.Amitabha repentance-drawing the magnificent purity of Amitabha Buddha.

6.Avatamsaka (Fa Hua)-Master Tian Tai invented it from Avatamsaka Sutra, it is also known as the Six Sense-Organs and Avatamsaka samadhi.

7.Medicine Buddha-basing on the sutra of vows and merits of Medicine Buddha.

8.Fang deng-Master Tian Tai invented it from the combination of some dharani sutras.

Why must we do a repentance ritual?

It is mentioned in the“Xin Di” Sutra:

The sin will grow if it is repeated, the sin will be annihilated if a repentance ritual is carried out.

All of us are familiar with the following repentance verse.

“These unwholesome karma created by me since time immemorial,

arising from my endless greed, hatred and ignorance,

created by my body, speech and mind,

I now repent what I have done.”

A paragraph from “Da Ji” Sutra is what I like best.

“A piece of a hundred years' cloth, can be cleaned within a day. Likewise all the unwholesome karma we have accumulated over the umpteen lives can be annihilated if we take a little time, may be a day, to follow the right thought prescribed by the dharma.”


There are three forms of repentance:

1.Confess all the unwholesome karma created by body, speech and mind in front of the Buddha. This form is used to atone for the precepts we have broken. It is known as “zuo fa” repentance.

2.Invoke a Buddha to touch our head, or a Bodhisattva to radiate light on us in our meditation. These auspicious signs can be used to eliminate all kinds of anxiety-it is known as “Qu Xiang” repentance.

3.eradicate the ignorance of middle path by means of meditation on the doctrine of non-rebirth.-known as “Wu Sheng” repentance.

In the “Ling Xian Vajra Tantra”, I talked about how to do a True Buddha repentance ritual. There are five salient points:

1.Invocation of Buddha to witness

In our meditation, We must summon three Buddhas from the West, five Buddhas from the south, five Buddhas from the south and eight Buddhas from the north - altogether 21 Buddhas - to appear in the air and be our witnesses in the repentance ritual.

2.Radiation of lights for eradication

The virtue of 21 Buddhas can be used to reduce unwholesome karma and increase the merit of a cultivator. The cultivator must visualise the appearance of the Buddhas, each radiates colourful lights from his pores. The ray comes out from the pores will burst into illumination, and endless colours can be spotted. The light will be able to turn the worlds in ten directions into Buddha countries. And the cultivator immerses in a world of brightness. The five stages of a world's existence will have the lights. As the lights are omnipresent, first it can be used to change a filthy country to a Buddha country. Second, to liberate all the sentient beings who are supposed to be descended to hungry ghosts and animal realms because they have ten unwholesome karma, five profound sins, slander of triple gems, do not respect gurus and are un-filial.

Third, the light will radiate at the cultivator, so that his unwholesome karma will be eradicated. After the empowerment, he will be happy, upright, fortunate and smart. And be as dignified as a Buddha. He could also see the Buddhas of three lives from the ten directions.

3. Recite the names of Buddhas and chant mantra.

When seeing the lights, the cultivator must wholeheartedly recite the name of all the 21 Buddhas three times and chant the karma eradication mantra between 108 times and 1080 times. “Lipo lipo ti, qiu he qiu he ti, tuo luo ni ti, zhen ning qian it, suaha.”

4. Visualisation and mudra

Left hand forms a fist and place it near the waist. Open the right palm, extend the five fingers (just like a five colour lights shine naturally ), and put the palm near the heart.

5. Transference and repentance

The unwholesome karma created over the past lives which would lead us to lower realms such as hell, animal, hungry ghosts or asura. Or the eight conditions in which it is difficult to see a Buddha or hear his dharma. All these will be eradicated when we cultivate right belief and repentance and the bad effect will not ripen. Following the Bodhisattvas before us who did cultivation and repent their unwholesome karma, we must confess and repent the same, so that all our past misdeeds will be exterminated and all our future misdeeds will not arise. The 21 Buddhas are invited to be our witness.

This is the True Buddha repentance ritual that must be cultivated together with four basic rituals and guru yoga. If we follow the rites properly, our merit will increase and hindrance will be removed totally.

The hundred words bright mantra is known to be the best mantra for repentance in Tibetan Tantra. Its three uses are:

1. Repentance

2. Empowerment by the five Buddhas

3. Ramification of imperfection if any in the cultivation

Two reasons of cultivating “Vajra heart Bodhisattva dharma” were stressed:

1. All the unwholesome karma from time immemorial can be eradicated.

2. True Buddha cultivator's action and vow will be as solid as a vajra.


-To Be Continued-

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